Monday, March 30, 2009


I went to see troy on March 5, 2009 because I had extremely bad muscule pain going from my neck into my shoulder for the last 7 years. The last three years it was hurting almost every day. I tried shots, massages, and physical therepy. Nothing helped. The day I went to see troy it was hurting so badly I could barely hold my head up. When he was finished I had no pain. It amazed me because the massages I had gotten in the past didn't even faze the pain. The pain has not been back since! I also had restless leg syndrome, burning in my c-7, tons of tension all the way down my back, and many migrains. I no longer feel any pain in my back and have not gotten a migrain since. I have felt little pain in my legs but nothing like it was before! I had a hard time standing up because I had a fractured disk in my lower back. I honestley could only stand for maybe at the most 3minutes before it would become very uncomfortable and I would have to sit down. Guess what... I can stand again without it hurting! I am very excited because I have been to doctor after doctor trying to find something to help. I got different answers from every doctor and all they wanted to do for me is give me a bunch a pills that never helped. The pills cover up the symptoms but never helped the problem. Troy did and I love the way I feel!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Things have been happening though unsaid


I've been to a multitude of chiropractors and my body has become better than all of them put together. I feel my body making adjustments all the time. I feel my body becoming straighter and stronger all the time. As soon as my body makes a new adjustment I then see that there was still improvment to make.

Since I last wrote my body has been working on my upper back and shoulders. The focal point has been inbetween my shoulder blades manifested by a pretty good soreness in the muscles on both sides of my spine. The pain in that spot has mostly disappeared with the revelation that there is a great freedom in the movement of the whole of my shoulder joints. It's pretty cool.

Somewhere along the way the process will heal my lower back and hips which is a pretty weak area. There has been some work done there but my body knows when that area should be addressed. The whole process is a slow one for me and I suppose for most as muscles strengthen and equalize.

Like I said several posts ago my goal was to take all my children and grandchildren to have their atlas placed. During this last week I took our adopted daugther Melissa and her son Bridger. In a few weeks I'll have them post their feelings and experiences.

Bridger was a lot more cooperative than his cousin Auzhel. He squirmed a bit, probably due to his attention span rather than discomfort. He sat by himself and allowed Troy to work on him with just a little bit of reminding.

Melissa had the same responce to the treatment as all the other adults. She felt a sense of posture and release of tension. On the way home she did express the feeling that some of the tension was returning. We saw them the next night and the intensity of tension had not returned. I imagine that at times the intensity will return for a brief reminder but not remain.

I continue to recommend to all who are seeking a more permanent healing process to have the Atlas Profilax treatment done to them. It's out of the ordinary and that's probably why I embrased it.