I visited with Troy Roper the III who is an Atlas Profilax Professional in Salt Lake City. You can visit Atlas Profilax.com to find his address and phone number.
It seems I am always searching for ways of improving my body and how it functions. My good friend in Idaho put me on to this proceedure and after researching it I thought it had merit so I went for it.
I've been to many chiropractors:
Chiropractors that took X-rays,
Some that run a little unit down your spine to measure muscle heat,
Several that popped you manually,
A couple that use the minature jackhammer to adjust you,
I had spinal decompression at one place, (very expensive).
I went to a Nucca Chiropractor (also pricey) which I think the Atlas Profilax (reasonable for a one time cost) experience is most like, in that with both the Nucca and Atlas Profilax treatments the focus is on the Atlas. The Nucca protocol placing the Atlas in it's proper placement by adjusting the bone itself. The Profilax protocol making the muscels place the Atlas.
I did receive the Atlas Profilax treatment 3 weeks ago. I wish I could say all the pain and agony were gone. Those wonderful stories of Atlas Profilax experiences have not reached to my body. Oh, I have been dealing with the fibromyalgia symtoms, such as, all over muscle pain, headaches, depression and insomnia for 7 years. I wonder is there anyone who has similar experience like me: No-significant changes to the condition after the treatment with the Atlas Profilax. Do I still have some hope? From Florida
I only have my own experience to draw from. I'm a school bus driver not a health care professional.
My first reaction to your post is that you are way worse off than I was when I got my Atlas Profilax treatment and you've only been at it for 3 weeks.
My wife just gave me her opinion that maybe not all Atlas Profilax professionals are equal. I don't know.
I just know that even though I still have aches and pains they are changing all the time as muscles are strengthening and equalizing. Sure I experienced an immediate release of tension in my head and neck as did my daughter and my wife. Then over the last 6 months my shoulders and upper back have experienced a wonderful increase of flexibility which I believe will continue to improve.
So, I say for sure you still should have hope that your atlas profilax treatment will prove to be of great benefit to you.
I woke up this morning with some questions and thoughts about what I went through the first couple months before seeing real change.
Besides the immediate drop of tension in my neck and head I also experienced a much greater range of motion when turning my head side to side.
Did you at least experience that?
The increased range of motion has stayed the same through the weeks that have followed and that fact alone still gives me reassurance that my atlas is indeed in place and good things will in fact follow.
Troy told me to watch for very subtle changes and after a couple weeks I noticed that my hips were moving easier and that I walked differently. My wife told me that for years it looked like it was real painful for me to walk and now she sees the wiggle in my walk again. It's fun that she's still looking.
I experience a lot of vertebrae popping, but my wife doesn't.
I'm thinking that you're in too much pain to notice the little things that are happening. It would seem to me that your body will make some structural changes first and then your symtoms will change. This is total speculation on my part and again I think you have a lot further to go than I do.
I'm way curious how things go for you through the following weeks and months because my niece, Melanie has major fibromyalgia for at least as long as you have and was on major drugs to control the pain. She is thinking about having the atlas profilax treatment done on her and I would like to be able to tell her what to expect.
She was on major drugs the kinds and amount of drugs that they give to terminally ill patients just before they die. But! she has gotton off all the drugs and as she did the systoms lessoned. She concluded that the drugs themselves contributed to the amount of pain she was in. Don't get me wrong She still has a good amount of pain. Whenever I see her she wants me to masssage her neck and shoulders.
Through the years I used several things to help control my pain.
1. a hand vibrator / massager
2. peppermint essential oil
3. visits to massage therapists
4. I got off all Milk products
5. increased my fruits and vegetables
6. I used herbs
7. I went alternative medicine practioners. Accupuncture, Massage, electrodermo screening.
These all helped me get through the flare ups and there was an agonizingly slow improvment over the years. Now all I use besides having my atlas in place is a salve that I get from an accupunturist in St. George, Utah. It's better than anything else I've used over the years. It goes right into my muscle and joints which gets me through the changes that my body is going through. If you want to try that I could give you the address!
Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. I want to pass the word onto my niece when she gets her atlas placed.
Thanks a lot for writing such a good log of your treatment and pain symptoms. I had my treatment only 2 weeks ago. I also have fibromyalgia.
I feel much the same as Anonymous #1. No significant changes other than a much sorer right hip since treatment.
I am still hoping as well.
Any further word from him/her?
Nothing yet from Him/Her. I was hoping Him/Her would answer my questions and keep in touch to have an idea of how things could go when my niece gets her atlas profilax treatment since she also has major fibromyalgia.
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