I've worn glasses since I was a freshman in high school. I went to a football game that first fall and couldn't read the score on the scoreboard. But today I take football teams and cheerleader squads to football games and I can read the score easily. That's because many years ago after struggling with glasses and contact lenses I decided that I could improve my eye sight.
I found different things along the way. I stopped wearing glasses. I bought glasses with only clear lenses in them and forced my eyes to work. My left eye improved to where it could pass the eye test at the DMV. I tried the "See Clearly Method" and the exercises in it and that seemed to help. But the thing that helped the most over the long haul has been just not to rely on glasses, to force the eyes to see by themselves.
My left eye improved rapidly and my right eye did not. I had mono vision which I acutally didn't mind because the left eye could see distance and my right eye could read. My wife had laser surgury done on her eyes with the same results, but on purpose.
My problem was the right eye wasn't able to pass the DMV eye test. It has hard to exercise my right eye on distance since my left eye always took charge, so off and on I would wear an eye patch which seemed to help. You have to realize that changing your eye sight through exersize is a very slow process. The next thing that helped was the CRT lense. I found out about the lense when we watched a movie in St. George and they advertised the CRT lense. It's a hard contact lense that you wear while you're sleeping. When you wake up the next morning and take the lense out you can see 20/20 for the day. So I got a CRT lense for my right eye which I would use before taking my exam. Interestingly this actually helped my right eye improve a lot. I would wear the lense for a couple weeks before the exam and then during the day I would exercise the eyeball, then I could pass the DMV eye test easily. So this last year I've noticed a dramatic improvment in my right eye sight.
So back to the Atlas Profilax. On the way down to the appointment I was exercising my right eye which is getting close to the left eye now I don't have to cover the left eye to exercise my right eye, which is cool. But as I'm driving I cover my left eye for some right eye only stretching. What was exciting that on the way back from the Profilax treatment my eye sight was way clear. I covered my left eye and read some signs and the eye sight was almost the same as the left eye, actually a dramatic improvment over just an hour before.
Some other things of notice:
My hip action when walking is freer and more natural
The range of motion was maintained through the evening
I didn't take it easy through the evening. I worked in my little shop while listening to football on the radio and wasn't easy on my body. After that kind of work any chiropractic adjustment or massage treatment would have been voided. But the body maintained, this is cool. If this continues day in and out I'll have all my family in for an Atlas Profilax treatment.
Steve that is really exciting to hear what it is like to get a treatment and to hear about the results you got.
How many people has this guy worked on did he say?
I will be interested to see if the results are continuous.
It is amazing that they claim you only need one treatment usually.
Also, I would be curious to know if he told you what degree your atlas was out of alignment.
I have heard that people experience different things and that some people experience some sort of metaphysical or spiritual awaking or at least a higher vibrational frequency after getting aligned...
Have you noticed anything like that?
I don't know how many people he has worked on. I did read another blog that a guy in California wrote. He says that Troy goes there periodically and works on people there also. He was extremely impressed with Troys work. Troy does have a very professional and effective way about him. I didn't get that impression at first for some reason, couldn't tell you why.
I'm optimistic that the treatment will be continuous simply because it has over night after I've worked my body hard and even had toast and grape jelly at 10:00 last night which always spells disaster for me the next morning.
When I take DeeAnn to Troy for a treatment I'll be asking more questions. My first time at anything I'm usually in a lets just experience this rather than divide my attention with questions.
I'm afraid that I'm not a lot in tune with my body and feelings. I haven't experienced anything that would be described that way.
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