Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's been about a month

It's been about a month and my atlas is still in place.
I'm stating that because my range of motion is being maintained.

I'm not doing anything extra special for my Atlas, I'm not trying to treat it nice, so I have to conclude that the profilax treatment is the difference.

I've had a few massages since the profilax treatment and my neck feels worse for a few days and then I'm back to normal, I'm going to try another massage technique to see what effect that will have on me.

I'm setting up a follow up appointment and I'm taking my wife for her 1st treatment at the same time.

Again my trouble spots ankle, knee, thigh, lower back, upper back and neck are all doing very well without seeing a chiropractor. This is cool stuff. You really need to try it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The last week

Bottom line first is my body seems to be improving and all the indications are that my atlas is still in place, I feel really good! Lots of energy, full range of motion, my body seems to be in sinc.

At the end of the profilax treatment Troy gave me a paper with instructions, advice and warnings. It included among other things: 
-don't let anyone manipulate your neck for at least a couple weeks. 
-eat properly, take vitamins and minerals etc.
-have regular massages especially at first to help your body relax.
-a warning indicating you might feel worse as the muscles readjust.

I had the profilax treatment on a saturday and felt absolutly great until my first massage the following friday. To be honest with you I felt terrible the next three days, saturday, sunday and monday. It felt like the atlas fell out of place, there were a lot of cracking in my neck, there was a lot of tension in my head and neck. All of the usual places of pain seemed to come back, shoulders, lower back, knee etc.

I have to conclude that the massage made me feel terrible. I have another massage scheduled this friday a week after the last massage. I'm not feeling so excited about it because of my reaction to the last one. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A couple days more

My Atlas Profilax treatment seems to be holding.

Here's a run down on my usual hotspots:
My neck seems to be maintaining it's full range of motion.
My shoulders are maintaining a more relaxed feeling all the time.
My hips have maintained a freedom of motion that's enjoyable in comparison. There is still the morning pain of getting my body going in the lower back. But like I've said before its a different pain, pain born of muscles that are trying to strengthen. The pain before was a radiating pain from my lower back from siatica that went down my left thigh sometimes down to my left foot. It wasn't a good pain. It was a sharp pain which causes concerns, like you don't want to move for fear you'll damage it more. The new pain is such that it makes me want to move and stretch it out, without fear of movement.
There is less cracking in my neck when I move it to it's fullest extent. The crackling must be from my vertibre.

I find this all exciting and motivating.
I feel that I want to improve my whole body.
I want to eat correctly, exercise, learn and grow.
I'm looking forward to the anticipated improvements.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday plus 2 days

I woke up with a lot less pain and sciatica in my lower back and left leg. In fact it wasn't really pain. Usually there is some sharp pain when I first get up. This morning was closer to stiffness. Of course Sunday I didn't eat any sugar or sweet delectable items, which always produces pain the next morning.

My Atlas does seem to be in place. I judge the Atlas being in place by the amount of movement in my neck. If I have a full range of motion then my atlas is in place, so I think. What I know is by this time most if not all of the corrections that I have ever received from a chiropractor would be gone. My spine would be back in the same condition it was before I visited the chiropractor.

I usually feel some pain in my left MCL which I am not.

There is more freedom in my hips. I think I mentioned that yesterday, well it's continueing.

When I went to the NUCCA chiropractor they explained their philosophy about the atlas and the spine. That all they touch is the atlas and there is seemingly miraculous things happen throughout the body. The atlas remains in place then everything else will sooner or later come into place also. That rational seems to make sense to me.  That's why I'm not surprised that my hips and knee etc are coming around.

At this same time I'm also beginning a new life changing diet. It's called the Original Fast Foods. My same friends that told me about the Atlas Profilax treatment is also influencing me on this diet. I'm just beginning to implement the change. As the weeks go by I'll be adding in my experiences with the new diet.

If you want to look at it go to: 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The morning after the night before

I wrote on Troys information sheet that I experience low back pain and sciatica in the mornings and it takes about 20 min. and a warm shower before I begin to feel normal. 

Well this morning it was been different. I felt a little stiff but it was a different stiffness. It wasn't a pain stiffness, it was just stiffness. I have felt a little sciatica but again it was different.

After 20 minutes or so all the morning pain and stiffness is usually gone but this morning the different stiffness has remained. There's still the freedom of hip movement to walk which is cool but the muscles are being force to move the correct way and so the muscles and joints that haven't had to move and be used are talking to me and saying things. I'm completly happy with the situation. I know it will take time for the muscles and joints to strengthen.

The range of motion in my neck has maintained and there's more freedom in my shoulders. This is of course in comparison with before the treatment. I fully expect even more freedom. Right now when I move my shoulders there's popping and crackling I expect all that to go away as I use the joints more and restore their full motion. 

As the day progressed I also noticed that I stood straighter with equal weight on both legs. Often when I would notice how I was standing I would feel a need to twist one foot in to be the same angle as the other foot. I noticed today that I stood equally.

What changes and differences did I experence

Other than the freedom of movement which was expected I did notice something different on the drive home on the freeway.

I've worn glasses since I was a freshman in high school. I went to a football game that first fall and couldn't read the score on the scoreboard. But today I take football teams and cheerleader squads to football games and I can read the score easily. That's because many years ago after struggling with glasses and contact lenses I decided that I could improve my eye sight. 

I found different things along the way. I stopped wearing glasses. I bought glasses with only clear lenses in them and forced my eyes to work. My left eye improved to where it could pass the eye test at the DMV. I tried the "See Clearly Method" and the exercises in it and that seemed to help. But the thing that helped the most over the long haul has been just not to rely on glasses, to force the eyes to see by themselves.

My left eye improved rapidly and my right eye did not. I had mono vision which I acutally didn't mind because the left eye could see distance and my right eye could read. My wife had laser surgury done on her eyes with the same results, but on purpose. 

My problem was the right eye wasn't able to pass the DMV eye test. It has hard to exercise my right eye on distance since my left eye always took charge, so off and on I would wear an eye patch which seemed to help. You have to realize that changing your eye sight through exersize is a very slow process. The next thing that helped was the CRT lense. I found out about the lense when we watched a movie in St. George and they advertised the CRT lense. It's a hard contact lense that you wear while you're sleeping. When you wake up the next morning and take the lense out you can see 20/20 for the day. So I got a CRT lense for my right eye which I would use before taking my exam. Interestingly this actually helped my right eye improve a lot. I would wear the lense for a couple weeks before the exam and then during the day I would exercise the eyeball, then I could pass the DMV eye test easily. So this last year I've noticed a dramatic improvment in my right eye sight. 

So back to the Atlas Profilax. On the way down to the appointment I was exercising my right eye which is getting close to the left eye now I don't have to cover the left eye to exercise my right eye, which is cool. But as I'm driving I cover my left eye for some right eye only stretching. What was exciting that on the way back from the Profilax treatment my eye sight was way clear. I covered my left eye and read some signs and the eye sight was almost the same as the left eye, actually a dramatic improvment over just an hour before.

Some other things of notice: 
My hip action when walking is freer and more natural
The range of motion was maintained through the evening

I didn't take it easy through the evening. I worked in my little shop while listening to football on the radio and wasn't easy on my body. After that kind of work any chiropractic adjustment or massage treatment would have been voided. But the body maintained, this is cool. If this continues day in and out I'll have all my family in for an Atlas Profilax treatment.

My first and theoretically only visit

So on Sept 6, 2008 I visited Troy Roper III

His place of business is in the basement of a beauty Solon. Solon 247. The 247 being 247 W the address on 900 East. I walked past all these ladies in different rooms, I wasn't sure where I was going but Troy say me coming and met me at the entrance to the basement.

They've fixed the basement up very nicely and they have several rooms for treating people. I say they because his wife Dawn works with him. She is a massage therapist and an intuitive. Whereas Troy does his Atlas Profilax treatments and Pain Neutralization technique. I exchanged emails with Dawn a few weeks earlier and I met her in person that morning as she was suiting up in her cycling attire to go visit her horse who needed some help. She wanted to take their senar to give it a treatment and Troy suggested using 24mh on the horse. I parked just in front of her motorcycle on the side of the building as the few parking stalls in front were taken.

I filled out the patient information sheet while Troy and Dawn were discussing their day. Name, address the usual, what symptoms I had, what do I expect to gain from this visit. I thought it was a fairly simple but effective form. I hate filling out doctors and chiropractors forms.

Troy had me sit in a wicker chair, probably chosen because it would make you sit up straight. He felt around my neck to see what condition I was in. Turn your head all the way to the right, then to the left, all the way forward, then back. Turn your head to the right and stop when you feel the slightest resistence, same to the left etc. He had me lay on the massage table to check out my leg length. The back to the wicker chair for a final look feel.

The the treatment started. Fairly strange. Way non-clinical. More massagy than clinical. Way non-chiropratic. Troy used a vibrating wand of some sort. When I take my wife to have her profilaxed I'll ask more about the magic wand.

I was told to sit on the very edge of the wicker chair very straight back. He explained he was going to step between my legs with his right foot and place my forehead on his chest. This was to put me in a position so he could work on the muscles on the back of my neck. It felt weird and kinda personal but done very professionally.

From the exam he knew where the massage needed to be done. He worked on the same muscle and areas that I have been self-massageing for years. He pushed this vibrating wand into my neck to release the muscles. It wouldn't have been so bad but I needed a hair cut and I had a lot of little hairs that were in the way. In fact it hurt a bit as he pushed the wand, it was pulling the hairs. That hurt a lot more than the massage the mucles. That's a totally different pain which I'm quite used to and was expecting, that type of pain I actually like. But dispite the hair pain I could tell that he was addressing the very problem that I knew would place my Atlas properly. I knew at that time that the Atlas would be put into position. Troy had to work on me from another angle and then the wand had done it's work. He had me lay on the massage table and rest for about 5 min.

We then went back to the left, right, forward and backward movement. There was a lot more freedom and movement which I totally expected, that was not a surprise. I've felt the same after treatments with chiropractors and massages. The movement to the left wasn't as clean as to the right and I told me so. He went after another group of muscles which cleared the left turn. Then he had me lay on the massage table again and check the leg length again which of course was equal. He then did some of his pain neuturalization technique on me. He felt along my spine, and shoulders finding tender spots which he neutralized.

I did the walk down the hallway and back again also similar to chiropractors and I was finished.

Way weird because it was way different than I expected.

Why I went to an Atlas Profilax Professional

Saturday September 6, 2008

I visited with Troy Roper the III who is an Atlas Profilax Professional in Salt Lake City. You can visit Atlas to find his address and phone number.

It seems I am always searching for ways of improving my body and how it functions. My good friend in Idaho put me on to this proceedure and after researching it I thought it had merit so I went for it. 

I've been to many chiropractors: 
Chiropractors that took X-rays, 
Some that run a little unit down your spine to measure muscle heat, 
Several that popped you manually, 
A couple that use the minature jackhammer to adjust you, 
I had spinal decompression at one place, (very expensive).

I went to a Nucca Chiropractor (also pricey) which I think the Atlas Profilax (reasonable for a one time cost) experience is most like, in that with both the Nucca and Atlas Profilax treatments the focus is on the Atlas. The Nucca protocol placing the Atlas in it's proper placement by adjusting the bone itself. The Profilax protocol making the muscels place the Atlas.